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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Great night @ Ocoee COG

What a time we had last night! You allowed yourselves to be used as vessels of ministry and as a result, God really moved in the house. Sometimes it is easy to show up and just put on a "show", but you were really anointed last night and it is because you walk the walk on a daily basis. We are all surely not perfect, but as the evangelist said last night, when you walk in the Spirit daily, you can lead in worship effectively. I am glad to be associated with such a great group of people!!


  1. It was awesome! I just hope we, as a choir, will allow GOD to use us in our own church more and not be afraid to allow God to work and move on us!

  2. Well said. Sometimes we forget that we are there to be ministered to as well as minister. God has something even for those who are on the stage!
